Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: My SMART Goal

My smart goal is to walk to school every day. This has been the most difficult week I have had to deal with. I have been fighting the H1N1 and this defintaly goes down as my bodies worse 5 things I have had to deal with in my lifetime. Its just miserable, there is no words to explain it. I just got out of the hospital on Monday with breathing complications and am sentenced to lay down some more, which is boring but ok in a sense that I feel I just ran 5 miles when I stand up off my couch to walk to the kitchen or something. On a brighter note....This flu should be gone soon and I can go back to my normal life eventually. Well I hope. I learned this week that even though you keep washing your hands that REST is also very important. I myself dont get alot of rest on a normal day because my schedule with school, hockey and music has me constantly going and I usually do not get to sleep til 3 am on most days if im lucky. So to all those out there take the time to rest. I didnt do so great at accomplishing my goal this week because of my sickness. Next week I plan to get right back at it and finish the semester strong. With that take care everyone until next time!

"Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3 hosted by with Amy@eco-chic with Amy." Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3"


  1. Hope you start to feel better soon! Rest up so you can walk to school again when you are feeling better.

  2. Get well soon! And get some sleep!!! :)

  3. Hope you are feeling much better by now! I think you may have passed something similar on to me :(

  4. Wow that is pretty scary! Glad to hear you are slowly getting better.
