Friday, December 11, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 6: Final Review of "Obesity, Buniness and Public Policy"

This book was one of the most interesting books I have ever read in a very long time, and I dont like reading at all. It gave me an in depth look at alot of different aspects on obesity and how society may or may not affect it and how government may or may not affect it. I am also glad I chose this book because learning the things I did will help me with my career in the future to be able to help people who struggle with obese problems.

3 most signifigant things:
-The main thing was that food companies do in fact target kids and obese people.
-The second most signifigant thing is that I learned that obese people who go get help start denying they need help once the doctors let them know how rough of shape there in.
- Third and lastly the book never really "said" this straight out but I got the feeling that the government wants obese people because they treat them as money makers for them.

What does it mean to me?
It means everything to me, this is down my alley for career paths and gaining the extra knowledge that I was able to obtain through this book is really going to help me in the future to be able to understand the issue better as a whole.

I would definetaly recommend this book to anyone even if you are not trying to pursue anything in this field. The book gives you a better insight into our society as a whole when it comes to the obese population and can really open your eyes to the issues of obesity.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Share and Voice: My experience in this class

I wanted to take this time to reflect on this semester as a whole and talk about the experience I have had in this class.
I will be honest..coming into this class I was hesitant and afraid as I am with every class that I take because I am an extremely shy person. But as the weeks came and gone and the videos we watched and even the trip to goodwill my perception of everything had changed. Instead of facing classes and new topics with hesitation, I started to come in with a real big open mind and with no hesitation at all. I have learned so much in this class and would recommend it to anyone even if they don't have to take it because it really creates a different slate for your life. I just wanted to take some time to get that out there and even though im quiet it was really cool getting to hear all of your opinions and emotions and hope the best for everyone in the future.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9 : Overall Project Reflection

What was your smart goal? and did it change?
My goal was to walk to school each day during the school week and I changed it these last few weeks adding no alcohol and also adding a salad to one of my meals each week.
What helped you be successful? What things got in your way? How can you address these in the future?Wanting to save gas and get into better shape were things that helped make the change succesful for me. The things that got in my way were the holidays and rainy days. I should probably get a rain coat or an umbrella or something, well not in this case some snow boots.
How did you benefit from this project? What did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about behavior change?I benefited saving a ton of gas from this project and getting the endorphins flowing every morning by walking to schol. I learned that if you keep at something it can become a habit. I learned that even if I dont want to do something you just have to do it and you will feel better.
How did others and/or the environment benefit from you changing this behavior?
Well I barely used my car doing this whole project and if I saw trash on the way I would pick it up. I think my change was for the good.

"Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week _10_ hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy." Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 10__"

Monday, December 7, 2009

Advocacy Project: Letter to a Public Official.

Keith Ellison
Minneapolis Office2100
Plymouth Avenue N
Minneapolis, MN 55411
Phone: (612) 522-1212

Congressman Keith Ellison,

My name is Keith Enstad and I am a student at the University of Minnesota Duluth Majoring in Health Education. I think that its very important in the under privelaged communities in Minneapolis to have a safe place for children to go and have activities so they can have a place to go to stay out of trouble.

Thats why I am asking you to vote yes for SF2039 East Phillips cultural and community center cultural fitness and wellness center grant appropriation. This bill deserves to be passed because I am from Minneapolis and see the struggle children have with obesity and not having a place to go to stay out or trouble.

This bill has been introduced and sent to the Chair of Cultural and Outdorr Resources and Finance Division. I strongly encourage you to vote yes because this wil only bring a positive movement for the community. If you have any question, comments or concerns feel free to contact me with the information below.

Keith Enstad

(contact Info)