Thursday, November 12, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 4: Third Quarter of Book "Obesity, Buniness and Public Policy"

Welcome back to another post of Read n Sead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This time around I read 82 pages and covered sections 3 and 4. Section 3 focused on Obesity and Business while Section 4 focused on Obesity and the Government.

Section 3: I touched a little on this segment with my last report but I thought it would be a good idea to somewhat refresh the memory again because section focuses on alot of the same points I covered last time. The start of section 3 brings up the current interests of businesses and what consumers are easier to advertise to and what consumers are more susceptible to there advertisements. To make things a little more sound., last report I had mentioned that food marketers are going to market the food regardless if its healthy or not. Which bring me to my next point that is brought up in this section. Self regulation...the reason the book brings this up and I also have to agree that people are responsible for there choices they make. The book talks about that people are in charge of the decisions they make and yet even though the market may target the less fortunate and people with more needs but in the end it is there choice to whether or not they eat the right foods or not. This section also brings up The Self Regulation Framework, which is a table to measure out the mixed messages in the marketing for food and relating it obesity. The two different modes are prevention and promotion. Promotion in this framework is linked to hot while prevention is linked to cold/thin. The framework is basically listeing off things that relate to overeating and habits that go along with over eating and obesity while prevention is related to thinness and things such as restrain and control to control your weight. The rest of the section talks about different weight loss methods and prices and things that people need to consider if they are going to go through with surgeries.

Section 4:

This section focuses on obesity and the government. The beginning of this talks about the infrastructure of society on obesity. Obesity has made its mark on society and its been established here in the US. According to the book the infrastructure that the authors are talking about that has caused our nation to become obese is the over supply of food, an increased supply of processed foods, the growing supply of cheaper foods, and also the marketing and ways media advertise predominetly to children because they are more suceptible to bad food choices, especially in schools where alot of vending machines have been placed.

This section also brings up different formulas as the BMR, which is the basal metabolic rate, which in english is the daily calories your body burns at rest. The book then talks about how important this concept is, which I agree because people need to understand that your body can only do so much without exercise than after that ( all the extra calories turns into extra weight). I think its very important that this subject is brought up in the book.

The next part of the section talks about the future trends of obesity, and how even though many different attempts to battle the disease of obesity will probably get worse. Obesity is the second leading cause of death in the US and its scary to read that. I think as a country we have a long way to go but I think its very imprtant that people try to understand nutrition better for there own health and to help educate our future children because they are the most vunerable.


I think both sections are very important and have a huge impact on society. We as a nation need to start recognizing what these companies are doing and try to help educate people to try to solve this obesity epidemic especially for the children growing up.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 6 : My SMART Goal

This week i wrote a peom for my lifestyle change post. I was going to rap this to a beat and post it in a video but my camera went dumb on me...

My goals to walk to school all 5 days of the week /
And to make sure it aint boring my ipod is always on the beat /
Listening to the greatest music knodding my head to the rhyme /
My biggest challenge I faced this week was getting to school on time /
Because For some reason my body just didn’t want to wake up /
But than my stomach started growling so it didn’t take much /
To hop right out of bed and take on the eco chic /
Lifestyle challenge that we blog about every week/
And next week wont be any different im doing the same thing /
Whether it snows bad or I gotta walk to school in the rain /
Because Im successful so far on this journey for a change /
And im going to stay strong every week all the way to the end /
And what I learned this week is that I gotta get more sleep /
So I got enough energy to survive and I be able sit up in my seat /
So until next time that I see you all in class /
Have a good week stay happy not mad/
Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week _6_ hosted byAmy@Eco-Chic with Amy ." Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week _6_" .

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Advocacy Project: My Political Representatives

-Barack Obama: The president of the United States
Contact Info
Phone for comments: 202-456-1111
Phone for Switchboard: 202-456-1414
-Congresspersons House and Senate
US Senator : Al Franken Contact Info
US Senator Amy Klobuchar Contact Info
TTY: (202)-225-1904
-Governer: Tim Pawlenty
Contact Info: Phone: (651) 296-3391 Email:

-State Legislature: State Senators
Thomas Huntly DFL Contact Info
Yvonne Prettner Solon DFL Contact Info

Majority Leader: Lawerence Pogemiller 651-296-7809
County Board President: In Hennepin County there are 7 different head county Commisioners. All there contact info is linked to there name.

Commissioner Mike Opat, Chair, 1st District
Commissioner Mark Stenglein, Vice Chair, 2nd District
Commissioner Gail Dorfman, 3rd District
Commissioner Peter McLaughlin, 4th District
Commissioner Randy Johnson, 5th District
Commissioner Jan Callison, 6th District
Commissioner Jeff Johnson, 7th District

-Mayor Of Minneapolis is RT Rybak
Contact Info:Phone Number is 612--673-2100