Sunday, November 8, 2009

Advocacy Project: My Political Representatives

-Barack Obama: The president of the United States
Contact Info
Phone for comments: 202-456-1111
Phone for Switchboard: 202-456-1414
-Congresspersons House and Senate
US Senator : Al Franken Contact Info
US Senator Amy Klobuchar Contact Info
TTY: (202)-225-1904
-Governer: Tim Pawlenty
Contact Info: Phone: (651) 296-3391 Email:

-State Legislature: State Senators
Thomas Huntly DFL Contact Info
Yvonne Prettner Solon DFL Contact Info

Majority Leader: Lawerence Pogemiller 651-296-7809
County Board President: In Hennepin County there are 7 different head county Commisioners. All there contact info is linked to there name.

Commissioner Mike Opat, Chair, 1st District
Commissioner Mark Stenglein, Vice Chair, 2nd District
Commissioner Gail Dorfman, 3rd District
Commissioner Peter McLaughlin, 4th District
Commissioner Randy Johnson, 5th District
Commissioner Jan Callison, 6th District
Commissioner Jeff Johnson, 7th District

-Mayor Of Minneapolis is RT Rybak
Contact Info:Phone Number is 612--673-2100


  1. I thought this was an interesting assignment, I didn't know some of the representatives in my own town. Nice work, looks like your links are up and running again.

  2. Pretty interesting stuff, I didn't know many of these titles existed.

  3. I had a fun time looking up this information. I learned a lot about my representatives.
