Friday, November 6, 2009

Reflections: Weeks 7 and 8

Week 7

In week 7 we watched the documentary "Green". It was a documentory done by a grad student and it was essentailly about how chemical plants produce "cancer alleys" in little small towns. The movie gave a good insite into how people have to live and change there lives in those areas. We also did a little mock argument which I thought was good because you got to hear both sides and see what people came up with. Also I went to the smoking forum and it was very informative and interesting to see what people had to say and there views about the issue. I also got to learn that the facewash I am using can cause harmful effects to me so I quit using it.
Week 8
This week we watched a documentory called "Thirst". I thought it was very interesting and it was about the privitzaton of water companies. This documentory made me think alot about smaller towns and things they have to through that I probably dont have to go through because I live in a big city. I did get emotional when the suprivisor left. You could tell he loved that place and the people and he worked for the citizens of there home town not for the money. We also did an eye opener about junking and thrift stores and it really opened up my eyes to a whole new view of thrift stores.
What I learned?
I learned alot. I learned that I personally have to work on how I veiw people before I pass judgement. I always say that I dont judge people I let people judge themselves and I accept them for who they are. But subconcioussly I think I still pass judgement without knowing it. I also learned that thrift stores and awesome places to shop. I also learned about more of the struggles that small towns have to go through and how twisted corparate companies can be.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: My SMART Goal

Smart Goal?
My smart goal was to walk to school all 5 days of the week. This week I did an awesome job and achieved my goal.
Successes or Challenges
The week was a success. The weather was pretty good for the most part. The most challenging part was walking home on Monday after class when it started getting dark again and it was colder to, but otherwise it wasnt that bad. In that case I walked alot faster than I normally do.
The feelings I had this week were different for different days. One day I actually felt like dancing and I had my ipod so I had to bust out some moves....haha. Another day I was pretty happy and proud of my mom getting her new promotion. And other days I again walked to school angry because of my ex gf bothering me.
In closing...
I learned that walking definately helps out letting out the emotion or anger that I get and helps me relax. For next week I am going to stay on this plan and MAY even have a different way of posting for this blog... we will see though. depends how creative I want to get. Until next time have a good one.
"Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week _5_ hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy ." Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week _5_"

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Eye Opener: Junk In the Brain

Part 1


Antique/Antiquing: shopping activity, woodworking, prank. I found these at wikipedia.

Junk/Junking : Accoring to Urban Dictionary junking means a type of dance. I also looked up junk/junking at freedictionary and it said discarded items, worthless items etc.

Flea market : According to a flea market is somewhere that people can buy and or sell goods, usually second hand items. Also the origin of its name is in dispute where it originated.

Thrift Shop: According to thrift shop is a place to buyused articles of clothing or other items and the profits usually go to a charity or an organization.

Upcycling : According to upcycling is process where old items or recylced items can be reused or made into new items again.

Resale Shop: According to wikipedia resale shops are basically charity shops, where second hand stuff is usually sold for a organization or a charity.

Part 2

1. I think that all these terms do go along with enviromental health. the reasons why I think this is because they are all eniromental aspects. An example is a thrift store that sells second hand clothing. In the winter some people may not be able to afford a warm coat but stores like these can provide that for people. Also from the above list such as antuquing or flea markets, its basically keeping items and products in motion instead of just throwing them out to waste they get "recylced" in a sense and become property or a possesion to someone else who needs it.

2. The goodwill in Duluth is a good local resource for a resale shop, antiquing, junking, thrift shop, and also upcylcing. The contact info is 700 Garfield AvenueDuluth,MN 55802Phone: (218) 722-6351

The Flea Market in Duluth that I found is Annual the 2nd Sunday In August.
Lake Superior College, 2101 Trinity RoadDuluth, MINNESOTA, 55811USA
Weather at Studebaker Drivers Club Swap Meet Flea Market and Classic Car Show

3. I dont really do to much of this to be honest. When I was younger though and I still had my cabin I use to get real excited to go to the Flea Market in Annandale, Mn. Otherwise for example this weekend for halloween I went to a thrift store for some stuff. I guess I dont really go to any thrift stores because I dont like shopping much in general and I am just a busy guy in general.

Part 3

My first junk project the I thought was real awesome was this reused Ginger Ale wall decoration. I just think its a really cool design and its something that you dont see everyday.

My second junk project was a thermos bottle lamp shade. I thought this was really cool also because it has a really cool design and also has a real cool vintage look to it.

My third junk project is a project about black and white items. I like this one because it has a good meaning and basically about Michael Jacksons song Black or White and how colors dont matter.