Thursday, October 22, 2009

Reflections: Weeks 5 and 6

Week 5:
This week we watched "Future of Food". It gave me a completely different insight into coorpertaions and farming, because being from a big city I dont know much about it and you would probably never see me farming or anything of the sort. Not saying I dont respect what they do, Cause I absolutely do. I believe farmers are a big piece to being the heart of our country. Coming back to the video...I dont get mad often, honestly I rarely get mad at all because it takes so much for me to get mad... watching this video literally drew tears from me and clenched fists. I dont know how someone could rip apart families lives and all there hardwork so they can sip there mocha's on a boat. Makes me ferious. I dont know anything about farming and being a big city kid the most I gotta do is mow a small lawn compared to the acres of land farmers take care of. I just dont get it. On a better note...that snack was awesome. Thats the first time I have even had Nuttella and its really good.

Week 6: I was not able to attend this class. Yet I did find and watch the assigned movie for class "Diet For a New America" It astonishes me that Mr. Robbins did not take his fathers fame and go on his own and try his own things. I do think its really cool though that he went out to explore. To comment on the video probably one of the scariest things I have ever seen is where the blood and the fat seperate and you see the clump of fat on the blood in the tube. Its like a huge reality check for myself. I do eat decently healthy I think but now I really want to watch what exactly im putting in my body. I mean comparing the 10 percent of protein that China consumes compared to the US we eat 70 percent. The food group thing makes me mad because of what we talked about the week before in class, that its not that accurate. It makes me mad that the food groups is based on sales and not education. I mean cmon! As a nation we have an obese problem and its like people dont care to do anything about it. It always about money. I think the food groups should change into something more accurate created by a non corpaeration, maybe created by health educators who specialize in nutrition.
I thought when he showed the example of fat. That was kind of disgusting but a good example for people to have a good vision. I think its scary that people eat so much during the week and dont know that much about how to actually eat instead of making huge meals each time.And to to think a heart attack happens every 32 seconds...Thats why I feel like I have to help make a change because it seems like noone else will, and thats why I changed what I wanted to do in my life.
Watching the animal cruelty part was hard...I do love meat but it hard now thinking about what the animals have to go through. I know I wouldnt like it if I was a pig and I had a small confined area to live.
I think the video overall is a good video to get alot of good information from. Cant wait to be in class!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: My SMART Goal

My smart goal is to walk to school every day. This has been the most difficult week I have had to deal with. I have been fighting the H1N1 and this defintaly goes down as my bodies worse 5 things I have had to deal with in my lifetime. Its just miserable, there is no words to explain it. I just got out of the hospital on Monday with breathing complications and am sentenced to lay down some more, which is boring but ok in a sense that I feel I just ran 5 miles when I stand up off my couch to walk to the kitchen or something. On a brighter note....This flu should be gone soon and I can go back to my normal life eventually. Well I hope. I learned this week that even though you keep washing your hands that REST is also very important. I myself dont get alot of rest on a normal day because my schedule with school, hockey and music has me constantly going and I usually do not get to sleep til 3 am on most days if im lucky. So to all those out there take the time to rest. I didnt do so great at accomplishing my goal this week because of my sickness. Next week I plan to get right back at it and finish the semester strong. With that take care everyone until next time!

"Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3 hosted by with Amy@eco-chic with Amy." Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3"

Monday, October 19, 2009

Share and Voice: Enviro-Cool Blog Award

Hey everyone!
Excited to say the least I recieved the Enviro-Cool Blog Award last week for my blog post Man Throws Garbage Out The Window. I recieved the award from amy@ecochicwithamy. It was a real hard decision and it came down to a few and one even made me really hungry. But all in all there was one that I believe deserves it because standing up for you and what you believe is one of the bravest and coolest things to do especially to someone who is older and educated. So the Enviro-Cool Blog award goes to Karly@Karlys Karing Habitat for her post about the discussion with the customer on global warming. Good job Karly for standing up and spreading knowledge!

Award Instructions
  1. Leave a comment below so that I know you "picked up" the award.
  2. Within 1 week, create a Share and Voice post that says you've received the award and indicate who the award is from (be sure to hyperlink).
  3. Also indicate to whom you are going to pass on the award and why. Be sure to hyperlink the blogger (use main blog URL) and the blog title (use the specific URL for that blog post).
  4. Copy and paste these instructions at the bottom of your post.
  5. Publish the post.
  6. Visit each blogger you've awarded and leave a comment telling them they've won.
  7. Continue the process...