Thursday, October 8, 2009

Reflections: Weeks 3 & 4

Week 3: Oh week 3. We didnt have class this week, BUT I did recieve alot of help on my blog and I think I finally understand this stuff now. I am still working the whole google reader thing but I will figure it out eventually. I also had a little mishap with my book. The book that I was suppose to get for a pretty cheap price didnt go through and I found out I could order it online for about $160 or something in that area.
On a positive note I am excited with the book that I did end up with its called "Obesity, Business and Public Policy". I have started reading it and it has alot of cool things about how obesity effetcs people and society and much MORE!

Week 4: This week we were finally allowed back into the classroom. It was also a good week because Rita brought in bananas. Felt that was needed. On a more serious note, we started watching the documentary "Inconvenient Truth". To be completely honest I am still somewhat skeptical even though the film showed alot of data and alot of graphs. I guess the only reason I feel this way is because a politician is showing the information. I know  I will probably get some grief for this but I am not totally convinced completely. My eyes are definetaly open to the matter and I am not saying that any of it is fake but I am just saying I am not fully convinced that some of the data that was shown is as accurate is it maybe truly is. But thats just me. I cant wait til next week and hope to see you all there.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My SMART Goal

My Smart Goal
I am excited for this. For my Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change I will be focusing on walking to school 4 out of 5 days a week for the next ten weeks. The reasons I chose this is because according to an article called The Benefits of Walking Instead of Driving walking instead of driving would save. It would save gas, which in turn would save money. Also it allows me to have time to exercise.

How is this Change Eco-Chic?
Not only is this a good individual change, but I also think its a good earth change as welll. With me being on my feet and walking to school more I will be using less gas and putting less carbon dioxide and gases  in the air because I will be using my car a lot less.  Also I will be saving more money instead of spending every dime I have on gas because it is so expensive.Also its better for me because it allows me to get more exercise especially on days that become very busy.

Why is this Change important to me?
This change is important to me because I am making a difference to help the world be a cleaner place. Even though it may seem like a small change, its a change and a change is better than no change in my eyes. Also I will be able to help myself be more active and keep living a healthy lifestyle.

Another reason this change is important to me is because it would cause less stress when it comes to money factors and also now I know I am helping making a change to better the world.

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1 hosted by

Share @ Voice: Man Throws Garbage Out The Window

Today, I decided to get up early because I wanted to get a few things done before the day gets hectic. So I went for my daily run and I see this car driving down the road and the window gets rolled down, and I think to myself thats kind of odd considering its raining a little bit and pretty cold. Well, next think I know while I am blasting away my music the guy dumps out all of his trash into 8th street. It wasnt just like 2 bottles of Coca-Cola. It was a bad full of everything. Chip bags, cigerette boxes, you name it he threw it out. So I got a tad bit upset and cursed under my breathe about the incident and decided to take action.
So, I went back home and snatched up some rubber gloves that my roommate has because he loves cleaning and walked over to the spot and cleaned up after the person. If I see the guy again I will give him a piece of my mind. Other than that everyone have a great day!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

This weeks eye opener is about Ecological Footprint.Wow.....I feel really ashamed to even be writing this. But according to one of the quizzes if everyone lived liked me we would need 5.2 earths to provide enough resources and 23.1 acres of earths productive area to provide my lifestyle. I definately thought that I was not this bad at all....Kind of ruined my night by taking the quiz and seeing my results. I want to defintely change my behaviors. I know I have to stop buying those stupid frozen dinners and just get fresher unpackaged food. I didnt think that buying a few here and there would make it that bad, but I guess I was wrong. Also I have been trying to walk more instead of drive but I guess I have to do it more. Definetely a true eye opener.