Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Share @ Voice: Man Throws Garbage Out The Window

Today, I decided to get up early because I wanted to get a few things done before the day gets hectic. So I went for my daily run and I see this car driving down the road and the window gets rolled down, and I think to myself thats kind of odd considering its raining a little bit and pretty cold. Well, next think I know while I am blasting away my music the guy dumps out all of his trash into 8th street. It wasnt just like 2 bottles of Coca-Cola. It was a bad full of everything. Chip bags, cigerette boxes, you name it he threw it out. So I got a tad bit upset and cursed under my breathe about the incident and decided to take action.
So, I went back home and snatched up some rubber gloves that my roommate has because he loves cleaning and walked over to the spot and cleaned up after the person. If I see the guy again I will give him a piece of my mind. Other than that everyone have a great day!


  1. That is one crazy story! Usually it is only something small, but a whole bag full of garbage?! What a jerk! Good for you for cleaning up after him, hope it made you feel good because it was a good deed on your part.

  2. Man I see people throwing garbage out their windows all the time and it really ticks me off. But a whole bag full, that is ridiculous. I would have done the same thing, or else chased him down.

  3. Yeah it was pretty bad. I dont even know how or what was going through his mind.

  4. I don't understand why people throw stuff out their window. Thanks for picking it up, great way to help the environment.

  5. Wow that is crazy! Some people are so inconsiderate. Thank you for taking the time to go pick it up Keith.

  6. Awesome job Keith! There is a Blog Award for you at Dr. V's blog!
