Thursday, October 8, 2009

Reflections: Weeks 3 & 4

Week 3: Oh week 3. We didnt have class this week, BUT I did recieve alot of help on my blog and I think I finally understand this stuff now. I am still working the whole google reader thing but I will figure it out eventually. I also had a little mishap with my book. The book that I was suppose to get for a pretty cheap price didnt go through and I found out I could order it online for about $160 or something in that area.
On a positive note I am excited with the book that I did end up with its called "Obesity, Business and Public Policy". I have started reading it and it has alot of cool things about how obesity effetcs people and society and much MORE!

Week 4: This week we were finally allowed back into the classroom. It was also a good week because Rita brought in bananas. Felt that was needed. On a more serious note, we started watching the documentary "Inconvenient Truth". To be completely honest I am still somewhat skeptical even though the film showed alot of data and alot of graphs. I guess the only reason I feel this way is because a politician is showing the information. I know  I will probably get some grief for this but I am not totally convinced completely. My eyes are definetaly open to the matter and I am not saying that any of it is fake but I am just saying I am not fully convinced that some of the data that was shown is as accurate is it maybe truly is. But thats just me. I cant wait til next week and hope to see you all there.


  1. Week 3 and 4 were good weeks for me too. I am really excited to hear more about your book.

  2. Keith I know where you are coming from questioning the validity of the stats shown. It would be interesting to look into this issue further and see what other people have come up with.

  3. Yeah I am still trying to work out the bugs with the whole Google Reader process too, but it is coming around. That is a pretty big mix-up with your book, $160 ouch. But I'm glad you got a different book you are excited about.
