Monday, October 5, 2009

Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

This weeks eye opener is about Ecological Footprint.Wow.....I feel really ashamed to even be writing this. But according to one of the quizzes if everyone lived liked me we would need 5.2 earths to provide enough resources and 23.1 acres of earths productive area to provide my lifestyle. I definately thought that I was not this bad at all....Kind of ruined my night by taking the quiz and seeing my results. I want to defintely change my behaviors. I know I have to stop buying those stupid frozen dinners and just get fresher unpackaged food. I didnt think that buying a few here and there would make it that bad, but I guess I was wrong. Also I have been trying to walk more instead of drive but I guess I have to do it more. Definetely a true eye opener.


  1. I also was disappointed with my results, i guess that just means we all have a little changing to do. Good idea to start walking, I should walk more often and it saves on gas!

  2. My results were much worse than expected as well. I am working on making changes to make my wear and tear on the Earth less.
