Sunday, October 11, 2009

Eye Opener: CSPI

I chose the activity of Take the Tour of The Food. The webpage shows you different elements of food supply and gives you different statistics.
Right away the first link that I clicked on bothered me a little bit. The first stat that I looked at talked about fertilizer and said that the 22 billion pounds of fertilizer that US livestock consumes annually also requires as much energy as to provide a years worth of power to 1 million Americans. That right there just kind of makes me sick to the stomach. Plus the raw materials that are used in fertizliers pollute the water.
When I clicked on the hospital tab, a tab which I was mostly interested in it said that the overall cost of diet related diseases is about $90 billion annually.....I dont even know what to say to that. Are we as people really that bad! Thats ridiculous. ...Im sorry. I know America is going through an obesity "epidemic" but its also one thing if people dont even try.
Lets talk about the slaughter house tab... I'll be honest I do like meat and always willl. I tried the vegetarion thing and the lifestyle just doesnt fit me. I play hockey and meat is an essentail for my muscles and to keep me going. I think the way people kill the animals is wrong. I have seen other videos which I will not post on here because of the violence and I dont want to look for any but another side of me says killing animals to produce food for people is an essential. If you disagree I do understand, but humans are the dominating race of the world and make it go round and round.
Pesticides..I dont like them. I dont like the fact that according to the tab 181 million pounds of it were distributed out. Seems a little excessive to me but thats just me.
Coming back to the hopsital detail earlier written that $90 billion were used in diet related diseases...well yeah when we eat 11 pounds more of read meat and 53 more pounds of poultry and 24! more pounds of cheese per an American each year than people in 1950's! That was outragoues. Those numbers just show you that people in America are eating way more these days and I already its a proven fact, but its like cmon people at least try.

After reading these statistics one thing jumps out at me that makes me upset because its something that I am passionate about. The hospital spending on diet related diseases and how Americans are eating way more than back in the day. Makes me sick... it really does. People arent even trying and there just giving up there body to food. I hope we can make a change and thats a big reason why I want to work in the nutrition and obesity field.

Thanks for reading everyone! have a good week.


  1. Wow! There are some crazy stats that you shared in your post. The fertilizer stat was alarming, I also found it interesting how much more we eat now as opposed to the 1950s.

  2. I hope we can all make a change too. I understand splurging once in awhile but sometimes it seems splurging has turned into over eating.

  3. I also did this activity and came across some astonishing statistics. Some of the areas that really bothered me were the slaughterhouse and the farm animals sections.
