Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 2: My SMART Goal

Here we are into week 2 of the smart goals. My smart goal was to walk to school 4 out of the 5 days of the week. I did awesome on achieving my goal. I have been walking everyday actually and also walked to the grocery store, even though it was hard I felt alot better afterwards.
The strategies that helped me accomplish this was to dress for the weather. The challenges I faced was the cold weather. It sucked to be honest. But what made it easier if that I have a locker at school so bringing a jacket isnt a big deal so I could stay warm.
The feelings I experience were satisfaction, in knowing that I am helping the world and myself by walking to school.
I learned that all you need to do is focus on the goal and stay positive and you can be succesful.
My plans for next week...I am going to modify mine a little bit. Since I was able to walk everyday, I am going to continue that and vow to walk everyday to and from school for the remainder of the ten weeks through whatever kind of weather it may bring.
To everyone good luck!


  1. I also felt that staying positive was a great way to be successful. Good luck lets hope there isn't too much snow!

  2. Good work at attaining your goal. Looks like our smart goals are pretty similar. I'm getting nervous for this cold weather to come and how it will affect my goal. Keep it up!

  3. Awesome job! I am pretty impressed that you have been walking everyday and to the grocery store!!! Keep up the good work.
