Thursday, October 15, 2009

Share @ Voice: F as in Fat 2009

Here is the link. F as in Fat.
This article with these statistics is startling. To be honest I was just searching the web looking for data because I got motivated because of the book I am reading. I came across this website and was absolutely stunned. According to this article obesity rates in adults didnt even decrease in any states this last year but INCREASED in 23 states....If you click on the link you can look at each state and find the percentage of children obesity and adult obesity rates per state.
Just a quick fact , Minnesota has the 31st highest rate of obesity in America. I guess thats not to bad considering there is 50 states. but seriouslly ... SOMETHING HAS TO CHANGE!!!! The hardest part of this is that I have a neighboor who lives right across the ally from me back at home in Minneapolis where I am from and he is heavily obese. It scares me because I know whats going to happen if his parents dont help make a change.  Until than have a good one.


  1. That is really sad to see people like that and want to help them, but sometimes it seems that people just don't want help.

  2. Yeah its real hard. I have a friend who works in an obese clinic and people come in and leave all the time because once they hear the truth they get mad and just refuse help.

  3. I think it is shocking how much of an issue obesity has become. I agree with you, something needs to change and soon!
