Thursday, October 15, 2009

Read 'n' Seed: First Quarter of Book "Obesity, Buniness and Public Policy"

There are 6 parts in my book and I covered two of them which is 70 pages of the 250 pages. First I am going to talk about the signifigant things that I learned throughout the two parts that I cov ered. First off obesity is a trend that started in the 1970's!. Also the The World Health Organization also know as WHO says that in the year of 200 there were 300 million adults who were obese. 300 Another fact is the According to the New York Times in 2006 medical costs for obesity were about $100 billion per year..
Supply and Demand is also covered right away. The book talks about how technology increases and food is alot easier to supply than can become cheaper and more abundance in product than there is more food for people to get. According to the book the supply curve is is shifting to the right , which means that food prices are going down and consumption is increasing. Also another point made is the increase in food supply is because of our switch to processed food.
Another thing I learned is that Government plays a role by setting rules that allow the whole function of food processing to be safe...hmm
Also the Department of Health in cities have to check diners and such to make sure there are up to par on there cleanliness.
The book also starts to get into the actual debate on obesity and whether or not its the individual, government or business.
The first part talks about the spread of obesity and that in the early 1960's the average American Male weighed in at 168 pounds. The same time frame the average women weighed in at about 142 pounds. Today the average male is 180 pounds and the female averages 152 pounds . (page 15) Going off of this the book also talks about how the obersity epidemic is spreading beyond the US and other countries are adopting our lifestyle as technology is building in there countries. The authors main thoughts about this is that knowledge as well as lifestyle is is spreading. Cultures are converting with each other and so on.
According to a chart in the book source: OECD Health Statitistics (2000) The US has a percent of obesity rate at almost 30 percent.
Part 2
This part is titled Obesity and the individual
Right away in the first part of this portion of the book the authors wrote some startling data...Children obesity has almost doubled among children aged 2-5 years old old since the 1970s. It also talks about how type 2 diabetes is a ciritical consequence of childhood obesity. This portion of the book will be about mostly children obesity and the effects it has on them because they are unaware mostly of the future consequences of being obese.The other portion of the section also talks about how economic framework happens for children with weight problems. Such as the constraints like poverty, physical activity etc.
One point brought up in the book is why children may be in different weight classes is because children may have different ideals in what weight they want to be.
The chapter also talks about single women that are mothers and turn to cheaper foods such as fast food and how the governments implications on society can affect children. Even with media and advertising because children see these advertisements all the time.

I think this is a very important topic and I am very passionate about it. I understand one of the biggest problems is the lack if knowledge people may have and how to feed there children. I think more knowledge and help should be provided for parents and teachers. I mean the only adds kids seem to know on tv is fast food diners and video games. I think we could change it by advertising physcial activies and encouraging them as well. I know alot of my friends who are bigger werent allowed to play sports. I think its ashame because your not allowing your kid an outlet to get some fitness in. I think this is very important because I know when I have children if I am blessed enough, I dont want them going through what I went through. These children are our future leaders and we should take it upon ourselves to help them and not just turn them away.


  1. Sounds like a good book with a lot of interesting facts. I can't wait to hear more about the book.

  2. Very cool! I am excited to hear more about this book, obesity is something that I am very interested in and like learning about.

  3. That book sounds really interesting, very educational i bet. It is crazy how the eating habits have changed so much from generation to the next.
