Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Share @ Voice: Al Gore's Global Warming.

Hey everyone!
Well I decided to do some research and look up some articles and read some stuff and I came upon this article that I will mention in a second after I tell you a little about it first. FIRST OFF I am not in any way going against what Al Gore is campaining about the issue of Glabal Warming. I am just giving a little preveiw on the other side of what other people might think and just to give another insight. The reason I am chosing to do this is because I do not trust politicians. I do not care what data they show me or what they say or anything in that matter. IN MY OWN personal opinion I think that MAJORITY of them only care about the money. But this article titled "Why Wont Al Gore Debate" by Joseph L. Bast has some pretty good information and also opened my mind to some other things. So check it out and if you disagree/agree feel free to let me know how you feel!. Until next time stay safe and warm.


  1. Its always best to do your own research, there are always two sides to every story.
    Thanks for sharing

  2. I am glad that you are thinking critically about the issue and considering multiple perspectives. Can you pick out some key things from the article that stand out to you and tell us why they are significant?

  3. of course, Numero uno. He wont debate. Im not sure why. But I feel if you have substantial evidence and its true that he would. Second the hundreds of millions of dollars he is getting in "free publicity". What does "free publicity" mean really? Is he pocketing the money or what is he actually doing with it? Another thing that bothers me is he speaks about global warming but doesnt say anything that he does. I can almosyt garuntee he drives a car and "emits" his own green gases. I just feel he should practice what he preaches. Just my opinion though.

  4. Keith I think its awesome that you looked up some more information on this. I was also wondering what stats could be found for the other side of global warming.
