Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: My SMART Goal

Smart Goal?
My smart goal was to walk to school all 5 days of the week. This week I did an awesome job and achieved my goal.
Successes or Challenges
The week was a success. The weather was pretty good for the most part. The most challenging part was walking home on Monday after class when it started getting dark again and it was colder to, but otherwise it wasnt that bad. In that case I walked alot faster than I normally do.
The feelings I had this week were different for different days. One day I actually felt like dancing and I had my ipod so I had to bust out some moves....haha. Another day I was pretty happy and proud of my mom getting her new promotion. And other days I again walked to school angry because of my ex gf bothering me.
In closing...
I learned that walking definately helps out letting out the emotion or anger that I get and helps me relax. For next week I am going to stay on this plan and MAY even have a different way of posting for this blog... we will see though. depends how creative I want to get. Until next time have a good one.
"Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week _5_ hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy ." Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week _5_"


  1. Walking has so many benefits...environmental, emotional, physical, etc. Congrats to your mom on getting a promotion!! :)

  2. I'm sorry your ex girlfriend was bothering you on the way to school, I'm sure that was incredibly ANNOYING. Keep up the good work!

  3. It is really crazy now when I get out of class at 530 and it is real dark out already. That doesn't make the walking experience better for me.
