Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 6 : My SMART Goal

This week i wrote a peom for my lifestyle change post. I was going to rap this to a beat and post it in a video but my camera went dumb on me...

My goals to walk to school all 5 days of the week /
And to make sure it aint boring my ipod is always on the beat /
Listening to the greatest music knodding my head to the rhyme /
My biggest challenge I faced this week was getting to school on time /
Because For some reason my body just didn’t want to wake up /
But than my stomach started growling so it didn’t take much /
To hop right out of bed and take on the eco chic /
Lifestyle challenge that we blog about every week/
And next week wont be any different im doing the same thing /
Whether it snows bad or I gotta walk to school in the rain /
Because Im successful so far on this journey for a change /
And im going to stay strong every week all the way to the end /
And what I learned this week is that I gotta get more sleep /
So I got enough energy to survive and I be able sit up in my seat /
So until next time that I see you all in class /
Have a good week stay happy not mad/
Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week _6_ hosted byAmy@Eco-Chic with Amy ." Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week _6_" .