Thursday, December 10, 2009

Share and Voice: My experience in this class

I wanted to take this time to reflect on this semester as a whole and talk about the experience I have had in this class.
I will be honest..coming into this class I was hesitant and afraid as I am with every class that I take because I am an extremely shy person. But as the weeks came and gone and the videos we watched and even the trip to goodwill my perception of everything had changed. Instead of facing classes and new topics with hesitation, I started to come in with a real big open mind and with no hesitation at all. I have learned so much in this class and would recommend it to anyone even if they don't have to take it because it really creates a different slate for your life. I just wanted to take some time to get that out there and even though im quiet it was really cool getting to hear all of your opinions and emotions and hope the best for everyone in the future.


  1. Well said man, this class really opened my eyes to a lot and even changed my way of thinking.

  2. This is one of the more enjoyable classes I have taken at UMD. As well as one of the more informative ones.
