Friday, December 11, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 6: Final Review of "Obesity, Buniness and Public Policy"

This book was one of the most interesting books I have ever read in a very long time, and I dont like reading at all. It gave me an in depth look at alot of different aspects on obesity and how society may or may not affect it and how government may or may not affect it. I am also glad I chose this book because learning the things I did will help me with my career in the future to be able to help people who struggle with obese problems.

3 most signifigant things:
-The main thing was that food companies do in fact target kids and obese people.
-The second most signifigant thing is that I learned that obese people who go get help start denying they need help once the doctors let them know how rough of shape there in.
- Third and lastly the book never really "said" this straight out but I got the feeling that the government wants obese people because they treat them as money makers for them.

What does it mean to me?
It means everything to me, this is down my alley for career paths and gaining the extra knowledge that I was able to obtain through this book is really going to help me in the future to be able to understand the issue better as a whole.

I would definetaly recommend this book to anyone even if you are not trying to pursue anything in this field. The book gives you a better insight into our society as a whole when it comes to the obese population and can really open your eyes to the issues of obesity.


  1. This book sounds like it was pretty interesting, it is crazy that food companies are allowed to specifically target children and obese people.

  2. I really enjoyed hearing about your book. I will look into reading it in the future.
