Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 7 : My SMART Goal


Welcome back to another week of Eco-Chic!

Smart Goal:

My smart was to walk to school every single day whether or not it rains or shines, and I have to say the weather was really nice this week! I achieved my goal and it has became a habit so its pretty easy to do now.


As far as challenges go...I had ZERO! I enjoy walking to school and it has been a big help getting my energy up in the morning.


I felt pretty happy everyday...Walking to school made me feel pretty good and more energized so I hope that continues.

What did I learn?

I learned that I should start picking up my walking pace because I know I am slow walker, but I realized this last week that im EXTREMELY slow when it comes to walking and I kinda just mosey along. So will try to to pick up the pace when I walk to school from now on.

Future plan?

I will be modifying my Eco-Chic lifestyle change a little bit...I have been having some personal issues so I am also adding that I am quitting drinking and staying sober until Dec 31st. Also I will be eating one salad for a meal once a day as well as keeping my old goal of walking to school every day.
Until next time have a good one everyone!


  1. i like your additions! i used the quitting drinking thing for my hlth 1100 goal. it was hard :S haha.

  2. I agree the weather has been really great lately. And good luck on your new goals!

  3. I like the new addition. Good luck with the no drinking, smart thing to do around finals :)
