Friday, November 20, 2009

Reflections: Weeks: 9 and 10

The past two weeks were to jammed packed and to stressfull....
Week 9:
This week we were introduced to THOMAS. We also learned about advocacy and that let into our next assignment with bills of a topic that we chose. We also got into different groups to understand different topics of advocacy which I thought was pretty cool. I was in the group that talked about what is advocacy and we did a skit on showing the difference between advocacy and service.
week 10:
This week we watched a film called "Unnatural Causes". This was a film about people trying to make it and if and why there location and lifestyle makes them sick. I thought it was a good film to watch because it really opens up your eyes to the different lives people have to live and how priorities change through different phases people have to go through. I also liked the film because I could relate to it. Growing up when I was younger my family wasnt well off at all and I grew up in rough neighboorhood. But as time past my parents made it better financially so we got to fix up our house a little bit so now were a little better off even though I still live in the same neighboorhood I know what its like to live at the bottom and middle class stages and from first hand experience there is a definite change between the two.

I hope everyone has a good weekend and see ya Monday!


  1. I also felt I learned a lot from the video last week.

  2. The video was very interesting, It was crazy the different social classes all within the same county.

  3. I thought it was scary to see just how bad the health was for people who had low incomes. Something needs to be done.
