Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 8 : My SMART Goal

mY sMaRt GoAl!
Yo and welcome to another week of some Eco-Chic!
My smart goal was to walk to school all 5 days of the week and also I added some other elements, such as no drinking of alcohol and also replace one of my meals with a salad each day as well.

dID i AcComPliSh iT and what were the challeneges and successes?
Well yes I did accomplish it but...................................................................this week was a little harder than most. I did quit the drinking for the week and it wasnt hard at first but it got harder especially during the weekend and I am out of town for hockey and everyone around you is also drinking. The salad part wasnt hard at all because I love salad and creating them and they just taste good in general I think. When I was a kid I thought different. I must have been a weird kid. Walking to school was pretty easy but the hard part is walking home later when it gets dark earlier and it becomes kinda depressing.
wIlL U CoNtInUe?
I will continue this same goal and I believe the alcohol things will get better. UNtil next time have a good one.

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week _8_ hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy." Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week _8_"


  1. Good work this week, way to add to your goal and sticking with it!

  2. Great job with the new goals! I also really enjoy making salads they are excellent.
