Friday, November 27, 2009

Share and Voice: East Phillips Neighborhood

Doing some research on my advocacy topic I found out that East Phillips Neighborhood committee also known as EPIC, went to war to fight against a wood burner right in the middle of East Phillips Neighborhood! According to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) the power plant would be;".... a Major Source of Hazardous Air Pollutants".

I think this is a great thing that people went to war and fought against this and won. This affects me because I do live by this nieghborhood and having this plan would have been extemely dangerous for the children of the neighborhood! I am proud of epic and hope there future plans continue to better the neighborhood!


  1. Thanks for sharing, way to do the research to find out more.

  2. I too am proud of EPIC! I am glad that EPIC stepped in and made a difference.
