Thursday, December 17, 2009

Reflections: Weeks 13 & 14 and Overall Reflection


During this week we went on a trip to the GOODWILL. I never knew that GOODWILL was a place where it like a helping plan for people with disabilites to help them get jobs in the future. I think thats awesome. Seeing how the store works and walking through the factory really opened my eyes to how things get moved through the world and how they end up in certain spot. I also liked the game we played where we had to pretend to buy stuff because it gave me alot of good ideas and it just shows there are different ways to get things or make things that are alot more eco friendly. We also wrote out letters to a public official. I feel really good about this activity because it gives us a chance to help make some good.


Seeing all the projects was really cool. It was nice to see the creative side in everyone. Also I liked doing the online assignments because I learned that I am not so knowledgable about certain fitness things as I thought I was.

Here is a picture of my project:

My project was a guitar. It was made out of a shoe box. A Ron Diaz Bottle *( I am 22 ). and an old hockey skate lace and I decorated it with some little debbie snack boxes.

Overall this course has tought me alot and has brought me out of my shell. I always had an open mind about things but my shyness always made it difficult. Now I just go into things with an open mind and always think before I react. Also this course has given me a different aspect of opinion in different ways and has also opened my eyes to realize different things that are going on in the world. I am very thankful for this class and want to thank Dr.V for being a beyong excellent Professor. Have a good one.