Thursday, December 17, 2009

Share @ Voice: How does aclohol affect stress?

Alcohol. I found this article because I was searching around the internet trying to find things on alcohol and if it even actually reduces stress, because I know I have had times when I think alcohol is the answer to make your self less stressed so I wanted to find out.
MY finding....
Alcohol does not reduce stress... The few different things that it does do though is it temporily affects your perceptions and affects nuetrotransmittors in your brain. The long term affect of this i s actually depressing not uplifting. So my conclusion to this is that alcohol is not the answer when you are trying to reduce the stress. Working out or something active to get the natural endorphins is alot better of an option.


  1. I agree working out is one of the best ways I know of to relieve stress.

  2. Yeah that is good to know, because a lot of people turn to alcohol to de-stress.
