Friday, September 25, 2009

Reflections Post: Week 1 and 2

wow! time flew by quick. I would have to say that I am extremely excited for this class. I really like discussion classes where your able to express yourself and how you feel about certain topics. I thought the star wars activity was really cool and broke the ice a bit. It really gave me a reality check into my own life and made me realize how to solve some of the issues I have been going through and future problems as well. My goal is to apply a new mind state and to open my eyes to the enviromental part of the world because in all honesty I usually pay my attention on sports and music and food. But im glad to be in this class and I think there is a lot for me to learn and to express. far as this blog thing goes...Im more confused than all get out and I am not sure why haha. But I think I am getting better at it. Hope everyone has a good safe weekend.

-Just remember that even if you miss, your still shooting with the stars.



  1. Hey Keith!

    I get confused about this blog stuff too. I think the more we use it the easier its going to get. Thanks for bringing the snack last week, it was a really good idea!

  2. Your welcome! I think I am getting a little better of a hold on it.

  3. Keith!
    Looks like blogging is difficult for a lot of us. I think we will get the hang of it though! Thanks for bringing snack as well. It was excellent.
