Monday, September 28, 2009

Share @ Voice: Amandaswaterbottlewatch

amandaswaterbottlewatch ...had a very interesting share and voice that I wanted to talk about. I really liked how she went out there and helped out with the Great Lakes Aquarium Garbage pick up, but there was a part of the post that bothered me. It has nothing to do with her but with the most common piece of garbage that was picked up. So take a gander at this video I found 

 This video really explores how trash makes it into the ocean and how easy it is...especially cigeratte butts. Im sorry but this bother me so much because its something so easy as just throwing the darn thing in the ashtray or those gray things on the ground that hold the butts. I apologize for my attitude but I feel this is a huge concern and it just shows how lazy people can be.

Peace love and afro pics.


  1. I like that you expanded on Amanda's Share & Voice. I enjoyed watching the video. You can embed the video right here in your post by doing the following: go to the link above, find where is says "embed" in the upper right corner, copy the html code next to "embed," go to "edit post" page for your blog, click on edit next to the title for this post, click the HTML tab, paste the copied text at the top of the window, check it by viewing preview, then select "publish".

  2. Thank You for the advice. I will get on that!

  3. I agree completely Keith it seems so easy to just throw away the butts in an ash tray of garbage. I don't know why so many smokers struggle with this. Thanks for the video.
