Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9 : My SMART Goal

My health goal for this week was to walk to school every day and to quit drinking and have a salad for a meal each day.
How did it go?
This week is probably by far one of the worse weeks I had. I did walk to school every day but I did not follow through with having a salad every day. The holiday made it extremely hard. Also with the drinking part, I did fail with that to. I am pretty upset with myself and I am hoping to finish strong. It was just hard being home and my friends like to go out alot so it was hard to avoid the drinking aspect.
I am still going to continue my plan and just work alot harder at completeing these last few weeks or so.
Until next time good luck to everyone and good luck!

"Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week _9_ hosted by Amy@eco-chic with Amy ." Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week _9_"


  1. I also have a hard time eating healthy when the holidays come around. Thanksgiving only comes once a year though.

  2. The holidays are the WORST time I have found to start eating healthier. Better luck next week.
