Friday, December 4, 2009

Reflections: Weeks: 11 and 12

This semester is going by really fast.....and I am really happy I got the oppritunity to take this class. Every week opens my eyes to new things to think about and create an opinion about and to research things as well.

Week 11
This week we started off by doing a enviromental literacy activity where we got into groups and basically defined what enviromental literacy was. I think this was good because we got exposed to different apsects of the enviroment and new terms. We also did another activity by looking at different items and thinking of things that we could use them for. I thought the best thing was the mini coffin deal. We all had some funny things for it.

Week 12
This week we learned what blog hopping was. I think that is pretty cool actually. We also did out photo essays and there were alot of cool ones and it was really cool to see all the different ideas all the classmates had. In my opinion this was one of my favorite assignments we had because I after 22 years I finally realized how my neighborhood is.


  1. I also am glad I took this class as I have learned a lot. Very interesting to see rhe things you have noticed in your neighborhood, thanks for sharing!

  2. I thought your photo essay was extremely eye opening. That is crazy that some of that stuff happens there.
