Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4: My SMART Goal

My goal..... is to walk to school all school 5 days in a row. This week went well, it sprinkled here and there but I handled it. I did succeed in maintaing my goal and the challenges were just the weather...I am not excited about the cold weather at all. My strategies was wearing my huge jacket and letting that be my rain coat and it worked pretty well.
Feelings?! I had lots of them this week...I guess since this is a blog I can say whatever I want right? Well... I broke up with my ex gf about a month ago and it seemed everyday before I walked to school she would post something on facebook or text me something to make me angry. So I spent a lot of my week walking to school angry, but walking home I wasnt to angry because it wore off by the time I had to walk home.
I learned this week that being prepared for the weather makes it alot easier to walk to school. My goals for next week are the same and if the weather is bad I am going to continue my strategy. Til next time! Ps sorry my fonts are boring looking. Something is wrong with my page and I have no options for my fonts.


  1. I hope the weather stays nice for you. I hear rain tomorrow, so don't forget your jacket.

  2. Good work with your Eco-Chic goal. Keep up the good work. I am going to feel very bad for you when we start getting the bone chilling cold.

  3. Great work in attaining your goal this week. I know what you mean, I am very nervous about the cold weather. It's November now and the below freezing weather is right around the corner.
