Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Share and Voice: Smoking Forum Meeting Policy Meeting!

Holla...I attended tonights smoking forum and saw some other classmates there to so thats neat. I guess I wanted to take this time to express more of how I felt about the forum as a whole and express my opinion about certain people that were there. First off...the one thing that bothered me right away is the hippie guy goes up and starts ranting about his rights to smoke...yet he admits smoking is bad for my question is, if you know its bad why are you trying to advocate for it to be allowed on campus? Secondly he kept contradicting himself, by saying that having this ban on campus is not helping the cleanliness or health of anyone on campus its only making it worse..That doesnt make any sense to me. Basically in my eyes the kid should have saved his breath for another cigerette maybe. Also another thing that bothered me is you can tell who the smokers are. No offense to them at all but the school is trying to help students and there health. And I got kinda upset when these students who smelt like smoke and had bags under there eyes and barely could breath well enough to speak into the mic could only ask about the surveys and if they were valid and about this new "trend" UMD is taking on. I think they need to get more educated on the topic because its not a trend. Its been a long process to clear the smoking from campus. I think the smokers should quit worrying about there rights that they dont have because smoking is banned from school and maybe try to realize that what they do actually affects other peoples health because I can gauruntee that people who do not smoke dont affect smokers health. Just a thought. Thats my rant for the night. Until next time have a good one and stay unsick!(my links are still not working, sorry for the inconvenience)


  1. I saw you there. Nice job and way to voice your opinion at the forum.

  2. I wish I could have made it to this. I heard about your comment :) Good work!!!!

  3. I really wanted to go but I had to work that night. But once again great job making your voice heard.
