Friday, October 30, 2009

Read 'n' Seed 3: Second Quarter of Obesity , Business and Public Policy

Back again.
In this quarter of the book I read 59 pages. A little less than last time but I didnt want to cut into the next section. I finished part two of the book and entered into part 3 of the book.

Main Topics I read about..
-The market impact of obesity
-Businesses and obesity
- Different messages in the Marketing about food and obesity
-Weight control
-Health Insurance and Public Policies

Summary of the Sections:
-Starting off my summary of what I read the first part talked about how obesity affected wages. Such as how people would get paid differently if they were obese or not. Which I think is wrong. I think that people are people and should be treated the same regardless or there size. They also compare obese workers with hispanic and black males and females to see if there is any difference or correlation. The correlation found was hispanic males and females and black females that were obese got paid less than black or white males that were obese.
-The next part that I read talked about how marketing and businesses interest consumers with food. It also talks about how food businesses promote and distribute food regardless if its healthy or not.
-Weight Control was in the next section and talked about the different methods for weight control and different surgeries there are to help with weight loss. It also talks about the policies behind the surgerys and also the medical costs and dangers with surgerys.
Why Its Important?
The reason why this is so important is because it effects everyone. I mean if we realize alot of companies dont really necesarily care if they are truly supplying healthy food or no, its more just for the money. Also for people that are thinking about surgery or other weight loss techniques these sections do provide that. I'll be honest I got kind of bored in this quarter of the book. Hopefully next quarter will be better.


  1. I believe that people do discriminate against overweight people and are paid less in the workplace.

  2. I am interested in hearing more about this book! Great post!

  3. Some of the topics in this book are really interesting and sit a little uneasy. Such as the wage differential for obese people, Not OK!
